Chandra Babu .K (India)
Name: Chandra Babu .K
Age: 63 years
Address: Kannur, Kerala, South India.
Activities of Humanist Movement
Joining Date: December, 1984
Details: Organism The Community for Human Development
Name: Chandra Babu .K
Age: 63 years
Address: Kannur, Kerala, South India.
Activities of Humanist Movement
Joining Date: December, 1984
Details: Organism The Community for Human Development
37 años / Activista- Cineasta
Hola amigas y amigos, mi nombre es Javiera Garcés y desde La Comunidad Chile queremos aportar al equipo internacional en el área de comunicaciones e hitos mundiales. Nuestro interés es visibilizar las iniciativas y a su vez modernizar nuestras plataformas, calendarizar los hitos conjuntos y promover en conjunto la cultura comunitaria y la metodología de acción de la noviolencia activa.
Sono un attivista nel Movimento Umanista da 1990, attivo in un gruppo di base de La Comunità per lo Sviluppo Umano a partire dal 2010.
Collaboro alla redazione nazionale di Pressenza ed alla redazione locale di Torino.
Continuo a coltivare il sogno di una ampia rivoluzione umanista a partire dal proprio ambito di relazione e considero la Comunità per Lo Sviluppo Umano uno degli strumenti migliori per questo scopo.
I am 48 years old, a happy single mother and live in Rome.
I am a chemist with a PhD in biology and I am involved in biomedical research at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
I have been involved in the dissemination of Universalist Humanism since 2001.
From 2002 to 2009 I carried out several campaigns of education for nonviolence and health prevention in Senegal, collaborating with the association Energy for Human Rights and with the Health Commission of the European Humanist Region.
Since 2007 I have been the spokesperson in Rome for the organisation World without Wars and without Violence, organising courses on active nonviolence for adults and in schools and contributing to the realisation of the 1st and 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence and the Europe for Peace campaign, for the end of all wars and for nuclear disarmament.
Age: 62 years
Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Activities of Humanist Movement
Joining Date: June, 1983
Details: Working The Community for Human Development
1992: Launched Humanist Centre, Dahisar on 9th August 1992.
Activities Present and Past:
Monthly Neighbourhood Newsletter in September 1992, with 500 copies. Now we publish printed newsletter “HUMANIST” 10,000 copies distributed free of cost in neighbourhood of Dahisar and Borivali, the cost is covered local advertisements. This month, June 2023, we published the 98th issue of Newsletter.