Sharathkumar Salian (India)

Sharathkumar SalianAge: 62 years

Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Activities of Humanist Movement

Joining Date: June, 1983

Details: Working The Community for Human Development

1992: Launched Humanist Centre, Dahisar on 9th August 1992.

Activities Present and Past:

Monthly Neighbourhood Newsletter in September 1992, with 500 copies. Now we publish printed newsletter “HUMANIST” 10,000 copies distributed free of cost in neighbourhood of Dahisar and Borivali, the cost is covered local advertisements. This month, June 2023, we published the 98th issue of Newsletter.

1995: Started Neighbourhood Circulating Library on 27/08/1995, with the support of the people of Neighbourhood.

2010: Started free Tuitions for needy students for classes from IV STD. to X STD., at present 130 students are taking the benefits. Teachers from neighbourhood come and teach voluntarily. The place for tuitions are provided by one of the Humanist volunteers, Mr Sharad Ruparel. He also provides Scholarships to nearly 250 students every year.

We had the 24th Annual Drawing Competition for Children upto 13 years on 04/12/2022.

We have done nearly 60 signature campaigns since 1992 for resolving various issues affecting the neighbourhood. The issues affecting the neighbourhood recently taken up are

April, 2022-Signature Campaign for Installation of Speed-breaker on Sunder Nagar Road, Malad West, Mumbai

September, 2022 – Signature Campaign for Abolition of NA(Non Agriculture) Tax from Metropolitan cities of Maharashtra submitted to Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Result- The Collection of Tax has been kept in abeyance by the Govt.

October, 2022- Signature Campaign for Starting of AC BEST Bus service from Dahisar to Borivali, Mumbai during peak hours. Result- BEST have assured to start AC Service when the fleet of Buses are increased.

February, 2023 – Signature Campaign for Starting of BEST Bus service between IC Colony and Borivali, Mumbai. Result- BEST have assured to start Bus Service when the fleet of Buses are increased.

February, 2023 – We give small financial help to needy people to start a business and the amount to be refunded without interest. We provided sewing machine to one Beneficiary.

March, 2023 – Signature Campaign for repair of Skywalk in Dahisar West. – Result – BMC Authorities have assured for repair of the Skywalk at the earliest.

At present I am coordinating two Humanist Centres one in Borivali & Dahisar, Mumbai and another in Malad, Mumbai.

